Thursday, February 24, 2011

Advantages of Using a Forex Hedge Fund

By Smith Ries
In a trading platform that is as volatile as the foreign currencies market, it is important to ensure that you do everything you can in order to bring down the losses that you stand on experiencing to the bare minimum. Doing so will not only help you make the most out of your investments, but it will also help you gain the most amount of profit from your trades.
Using a forex hedge fund, for example, will help you keep all your seed money in an unregulated function. These means that the there is no possible way for anyone else to find out how much you are putting into your trades other than yourself. This way, you will hold an advantage over the traders who place all their cards on the table readily.
A forex hedge fund also gives you the capacity to hold on to both long and short forex selling positions. Doing so will help you minimize, if not completely eliminate, the risks that you face when you go about your transactions, even if you trade towards a certain currency direction. This way, you would not have to worry about having to employ contingency measures, because there will be virtually no chance for your investments to backfire on you.
By using a hedge fund, you also afford yourself the capacity to track your finances better. This does not only apply to your investments, but to your liquid assets as well. This luxury used to be confined to those who have hired their own forex brokers and analysts. By choosing to go through the hedge fund option, you will be able to enjoy this advantage without having to shell out more money for broker fees.
The only downside to maintaining a hedge fund that is confined to be used on your forex trades is that it will require you to pay performance fees. While it is a necessary cost, having to pay for this fee can put a certain amount of stress on your finances. For this reason, you better ensure sure that you have the capacity to pay these fees regularly, in order to avoid getting yourself into financial troubles.
Getting to know and use the right system will able to give you the opportunity to generate regular income from Forex. Forex Automoney, have released an unbeatable trading system based on generated buy/sell signals, amazingly simple and a reputable system recognize by successful traders like us. Likewise, Forex Autopilot System is also known to be one of the best and profitable system which you may consider. For your interest and knowledge, please visit us at

Basic Rules for Successful Forex Trading From Home

By Kaz Kowalski
When starting to trade the forex market, what rules should the young trader follow in order to be successful? What are the guidelines that will enable the trader to build a solid foundation for his home forex business? What should the trader consider prior to even thinking of trading?
In this article, I am not looking at the skills required to perform technical or fundamental analysis, or a review of which indicators to use. All these are good and should be mastered, but Rome was not built in a day. Neither has a trader become successful just by reading a book or attending a course.
The following are a few of the key consideration that need to be thought about prior to trading.
  1. The size of your account with the broker. The larger the account, the more the trader can put on each trade. I would always strongly advise traders to start with a small account and grow it until the trader's level of competence and confidence increases. The key here is to minimise the amount of money you put in and let your successful trades drive your business.
  2. The traders appetite to risk or more specifically how much he is prepared to risk on a single trade. At a very maximum, I would never trade more than 5% of your account in a single trade; in fact aiming to trade at 1% makes a lot more sense. Where multiple trades are taking place, no more than 10% of the bank. However, a word of warning, running multiple trades should not be attempted by junior traders.
  3. The size of your stop-loss. I use the size of my stop-loss to determine how much I will place per trade. So for example if my 5% of my account (from point 1 in the article) is 50 dollars, and I have set myself a stop-loss of 25 pips, then the amount I will place per pip will be 50/25 which gives 2 dollars per pip.
  4. The target that you have set yourself. One of the biggest mistakes that new traders (as well as the not so new) make is that they measure their success based on the actual amount of money they make. This I would suggest is not a good idea. The target ought to be setting a fixed number of pips and increasing ones profits by increasing the amount placed on a pip.
  5. A successful trading strategy. The question that needs to be asked it, if you require to make say 100 dollars, pounds, euro or any other currency per day, is it easier by looking for a growth of 100 pips at 1 dollar a pip, or 10 pips growth at 10 dollars a pip. For many beginners, it seems initially better to go for 1 dollar pips. However, the ability to regularly make 100 pips is much more difficult than making 10.
By adopting these key considerations, the new trader will find that he is laying a solid foundation for the development of his forex trading career. The author has learnt and implemented these points to great success in building his own home forex business.
Kaz Kowalski has been providing specialist project management support on a number of high profile projects in blue chip companies across a variety of industries including Banking, Information Technology and Telecommunications. This experience has proven valuable in evaluating various marketed income streams. He strongly believes that running a Home Forex Business is the most satisfying and profitable means of achieving financial freedom.
For information on how he learned to become a successful trader please click on

A Forex Scalping Robot That Trades So Fast and Makes an Insane Amount of RISK FREE Pips!

By Ahmad A Hassam
Forex Scalping is one of the most popular forex trading strategy. Many forex traders are expert scalpers. They scalp the forex market multiple times each day raking in pips each time they enter the market. So what is forex scalping?
Forex Scalping is the art of quickly entering the forex market and making a few pips each time you enter the market. Something like 10-15 pips. The best time to scalp the forex market is when it is moving sideways or is in the consolidation phase.
You see most of the time, the market is moving sideways and is not trending. It is in consolidation. This is the best time to scalp the forex market. You enter the market quickly with either no stop loss or with a stop loss something like 50-60 pips.
Why you do that? Isn't it dangerous? Sure, it is. But since the market is moving sideways,apart from the random volatility, there is not much volatility in the market. It can only move a few pips on average. So, most forex scalpers don't eve like to enter a stop loss as they are so sure of making a few quick pips.
You enter the market, make 10-15 pips and simply get out. Take out the cost of entering the market and getting out that you pay in the shape of spread to the broker. Usually the spread can be something like 2-3 pips, so you pay 4-6 pips per trade. What this means is that you need to make at least these much pips in order to breakeven when you are scalping and recover your cost of trading per trade.
You must have observed one thing. In using forex scalping strategy, you are making only a few pips each time you enter the market. What this means is that you need to make a number of trades each day to make a decent amount of pips. And if you want to make a lot of money with forex scalping, then you will have to make a lot of trades each day.
This is something that is not humanely possible. You can't sit all day in front of your computer scalping in order to make a lot of money. This can only tire you and make you fatigued in the long run. But what if you could automate the whole process of forex scalping. This is precisely what this Forex Trading Scalper robot does.
It has automated the whole process of scalping. It makes trades so fast that you would be amazed. It makes many many trades each day raking in few pips each time it makes a trade. At the end of the day, when you count all those pips, you end up with a sack full of pips in your trading account.
The Forex Trading Scalper makes trades with a whopping 98% accuracy making the whole forex scalping process almost RISK FREE for you. You would be amazed to know this that this Forex Trading Scalper made an insane 738% NET PROFIT for Joseph Taylor who had little forex trading experience. He was lucky to trade with this forex scalping robot when his childhood friend Ben who was working for a big firm allowed him to trade with his secret forex scalping robot!
Mr. Ahmad Hassam has done Masters from Harvard University. Download the Forex Scalping Cheatsheets and the 10X Scalping System FREE. Take a look at the Forex Trading Scalper!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Information About Forex Shipping

By Brijesh Ghelani
The aim of study about forex shipping is to investigate the foreign exchange market in the world and recognized the important role they act in the integration of the world economy. There are many derivatives of the central marketplace such as futures, selections and futures. We are going to discuss about foreign exchange market that are sometimes called spot or currency market. Forex shipping is resultant from or the holdings from of foreign words and is the principal financial market. Unlike a lot of markets, the FX market is 24 hours in a day and an estimated $ 1.2 billion are sales each day. This turnover is more terrible than the turnover of the global equity markets on a given day.
Unlike numerous securities in the foreign exchange market has no fixed interest rate. These will mainly deal with banks, brokers, financial institutions and individuals. Transactions are conducted by phone and more and more through the Internet. With the arrival of the Internet and increased competition is not easy for most investors. This principle means simply banks and great institutions exchanging in sequence about the current pace of their clients or they were prepared to purchase or sell a currency.
The market has up to the point that now the interbank market. It has now developed that means anyone willing to purchase or sell money. It could be 2 peoples or your travel agent provides local currency exchange rate. However, you will notice that most brokers of forex shipping and banks of the central power supply ensure the reliability of the appointment. The contributions offer buy and tender sell are all from reliable sources. These quotes are usually about 300 large institutions. This ensures that if you comply with an order in his name instead, that the institutions that may have ordered. But even if we are talking about the forex shipping rules then the filled estimated that about 70% to 90% of the speculative market for foreign exchange.
The person or organization that bought or trades the currency is no plan to combat effectively money. The currencies against the dollar traded in the United States make up most the market and are considered major currencies and most all. As can be seen in the table above plus 90% of all notes are traded alongside the U.S. dollar. As currencies are sold in pairs and swapped one against the other when buy and sell the price at which the replacement of the exchange rate is called.
So now we know that the foreign exchange market of forex shipping is the principal in the earth and your institution that collects you with quotes from central or individual specifications, including interbank rates is trade. As these quotes are together? Well, the above-mentioned currencies traded in braces and each is assigned a symbol. The first listed currency is called the pedestal currency. Take a look lower for some examples. As already mentioned, your broker a different convention for calculating pip value can be relative to lot size, but it will tell you what is the point value of the currency you are trading doing at the moment.
For more information about Forex Shipping visit our site

Basic Forex Trading Strategies

By Alfonsas Mykolas
In forex trading there are two main groups of traders that use completely different approach in their analysis. They are called forex technical and fundamental traders.
They might both trade the same currency pairs and at the same time and even in the same direction - but their style is different.
Forex fundamental trading is based on economical as well as political news releases on a national and worldwide scale. The reason why any forex pair is moving is mainly because national and international news are published every day. It's the same with a stock market: the news of a particular company drives its stocks either upside or downside. The more shocking news - the greater the impact on stocks. We all remember the recent economic crisis of 2008, when stocks dropped to a ten year lows in a matter of few months. Those stocks were driven by global stock market news, despite the possibly good results of some companies. The currency pairs behave the same - currencies react to national and international news. As we know every currency is kind of an indicator of a nation's wealth. For instance, if the USA is doing badly in exports and their jobless rate is increasing - the dollar might probably go down. The better the nation's economical data the higher its currency goes in relation to other currencies, and vice versa. News traders try to get the best forex news sources that quickly provide real time updates.
However, there are some shortfalls when trading news. There are many powerful and influential banks and corporations that interpret news releases as they like and their multibillion dollar trades strongly influence the whole forex market. More over - news releases can be misleading; hence you cannot rely completely on what some politician has said or how bad the exports were.
Forex technical trading is based on past currency moves and their patterns. It is believed that the behavior of any financial asset in the past, be it currencies or stocks, will repeat itself in the future. There are some particular figures and chart patterns in stock and forex pairs' movements that are recurrent in the course of time. Analysis and identification of trading chart patterns and geometrical figures in a stock and forex market is the basis of technical trading. The most popular chart patterns are head and shoulders, double top or double bottom, trend and channel lines, resistance and support levels. There are a vast number of traders whose belief and decisions based on this kind of forex analysis usually moves a forex pair in a certain direction. Another popular tool used by technical traders is trend, accumulation, volume etc. indicators, which also help to predict future moves and enter the market.
Sadly, technical trading has also the drawback of producing false signals, besides it is often the consequence of the news release, and even ideally looking chart patterns get disrupted. As I am more of a technical trader, I do not trade during the important news publications and do not completely rely on indicators. The main thing in forex is the percentage of your false moves against the successful trades and the way you manage your funds.
If you do not have time to trade in forex, I recommend reading some info on managed forex trading. Forex technical traders might find some useful information on basic forex investment indicators.

Forex Robots Comparison

By Scott B Price
The following is a forex robots comparison, where we list the best forex auto trading programs on the market from best to worst. A forex robot is a software program that automatically enters and exits trades with the intention of turning a profit. These programs are great for traders that are just entering the market that want to profit from forex but aren't sure where to begin.
The IvyBot
In this forex robots comparison, we have chosen the IvyBot as our number one pick. Anyone who has used this software program before will know exactly why we have chosen it for spot number one. When you buy something you expect it to work properly as it states it would, that's exactly what the IvyBot does. Instead of paying for just one software program, you are actually get four for the price of one. This means that you can diversify your forex portfolio and trade four different currencies knowing that you're not using a scam "one-size-fits-all" type robot.
FAP Turbo
We give our second place pick to the FAP Turbo because it really is a legend in the forex robot world. Before the innovative and ground-breaking features of the IvyBot, the FAP Turbo was the king of them all. Anybody who was making money in the forex market from a forex robot was most likely using the FAP Turbo, and the internet was scattered with positive reviews all across forex websites and forums alike. The biggest problem with this robot was that it did not receive regular updates like the IvyBot does.
You can find out truly which forex robot is the best by checking out a more detailed forex robots comparison at a forex robot reviews page []. These pages give unbiased reviews on the best forex robots currently on the market. One of the best sites known for doing this is [].
You can always be sure that they will keep up to date on the best forex robots.

Financial Software Forex Trading

By Ricky Lim
With the introduction of online financial software forex trading, many people are looking to DIY currency trade themselves instead of relying on brokers. Executing a currency trade without the trading software is not quite an easy task. If you have a good currency trading software, the job can be done easily and quickly and the trader does not have to monitor trading all the time. Since all this sounds too good to be true, most people may think it is a scam. But the truth is that these software have been on the market for a while. Many of which are the end results and hard work of brilliant programmers who have put in mathematical and statistical algorithm in the software programs.
The financial software currency trading can calculate the entry and exit point and this calculation will minimize the chance of losing money in the trade. Perfect timing is a major deciding factor for winning in currency trading. Even a minor mistake in making the correct decision can cause you to lose thousands of dollars. Automated currency trading software can control such situations thus saving the time and energy of the trader. It can make decisions within seconds which is very important in many situations. There is no place for guesswork in these software. It provides truthful and clear-cut information and you won't find any stand-in for the financial software FX trading.
Such automated FX software allows you to spend time away from monitoring your forex trades. You can carry on with other tasks and leave the responsibility of buying and exiting trades with the software. But it is better to learn the principles of forex trading as the software is just a tool. By itself, it can't make you make money in forex trading.
Discover which are the best forex prediction software on the market today. Check out more forex software reviews at my blog today before you purchase.

Automatic Forex Trade System

By Ayano Toshie
Forex system is one of the best businesses in the world, with a huge profit potential. Traders have to deal with foreign exchange rate market. Many people are trying to get profit from Forex trade systems but the statistics shows that only 5% of all traders are getting satisfied profit. The main reason that a trader failed, is the fact that they use his emotions and feelings in taking decisions and because of that it is important to use an automatic Forex trade system.
With a Forex system your work is a lot easier. Automatic Forex trade system have a software that will help you in making profitable trading decisions because this software provide information about currency rates for next day. To use an automated system is more easy than a manual system. Another plus for an automated Forex system is the fact that the software continue working all night even you are sleeping and this software executes all the instructions that a trader gives.
Many novice traders are using an automated Forex trade system, because they are thinking that they will have 100% profit, but in reality is not like that. In order for achieving success you have to choose a good software that has been tested in live trades and not only in back trades, because in live trading they can be non-profitable. Some experts said that an investor need to have a profitable strategy before he start to deal with an automatic Forex trade system.
The best example of an automatic Forex software is FAP Turbo. This is the most powerful Forex robot on the market, a lot of people said that they have a big profit tanks to FAP Turbo. A lot of mathematical algorithms stay at the base of this strong software which are using a Forex trade system and is one of the single trading software that is tested in both back test and live trades.
Whenever you want to make real money from foreign currency market and you know something about this business, you can use an automatic Forex trade software, because is an easy way of providing profit. But you are a new investor, you have to fallow some training programs, because before starting to invest, definitely you need a professional training, otherwise you can lose you money. After that you can invest in an automatic Forex trade system.
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Forex Ambush Review

By William Barnes
Is Forex Ambush another one of those useless Forex tools? There have been many Forex trading and educational software and systems being released recently, although many of them have proven to be completely useless in testing. FX Ambush is not a step by step trading system nor is it an automated trading robot. Rather, it is a signal generating system that tells the trader when to trade, how much to trade and when to sell his or her positions.
1. How Do You Make Money from Forex?
Making money from the currencies market is not easy, especially for beginners who are just starting to make from it. Most beginners may also end up purchasing useless trading systems and conclude that profiting from Forex is a scam. But that is far from the truth. Profiting from the Forex market is completely legitimate with the right trading strategies and money management techniques.
2. Is The Forex Ambush System Suitable for Beginners?
I would say that Forex Ambush is very useful for beginners because it is made to be easy to follow and does not involve a lot of jargon. All the buy and sell decisions are written very simply and are easy to understand.
3. How Does Forex Ambush System Work?
This is a system that generates signals to all its members live when there are profitable trends to take advantage of. It uses Artificial Intelligence that mimics those of a professional trader, and it is able to do with a complex trading algorithm programmed into it.
Members who receive the signals will then execute their trades according to the signals. In short, as a member of Forex Ambush, I do not need to make complicated trading analysis and decisions as the system will tell me exactly when to go in and get out of the market.
Is Forex Ambush a scam? Visit to read a FREE report about this Forex AI Trading Signals System to find out the truth before you join Forex Ambush!

Broker Forex Option

By Yeo Vincent
There are basically two types of brokers for forex trading. One type is providing online tools like trading platform and charting software for traders to trade the market. Another forex broker is trading via telephone to place orders through a dealing or brokerage desk. Not much of these forex brokers have both online and telephone trading options available together. It depends on what are the needs of your trading, you will have your own choice of broker forex option.
Here you can see some reasons why you will choose certain forex brokers for your choice of broker forex option.
Different brokerage will have different minimum trading account deposits. Some may very from as low as very hundred dollars to as high as few hundred thousands. Depend on your trading amount preferences, this is one of the point that you can consider for your broker forex option.
Some type of option contracts allows you to enter and exit the market as and when you wish while some of them holds your position until the expiry date. Making the wrong choice and you can be stuck in a way that you cannot close your trade. You should check out on the option brokers about the various trading account minimum, required contract size minimums and contract liquidity.
What are the trading tools that your broker can offer you? A brokerage giving you good offers but does not have good tools to offer for trading is just as useless. You will need good charting tools to trade with so that you can make accurate decisions on every trades. This is an important factor for your broker forex option trading.
Whichever broker you have chosen is your own choice, it should suit you well and make your trading experience comfortable. You should also check out forums and blog on the review of these brokerages to ensure you have made the right choice of your broker forex option trading.
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Tips for Successive Online Forex Trading

By Adam Smith Parker
Forex trading exists on a wide scale online today. But what is the secret to making money via online trading. Well, below are a few tips to help you in developing the right strategy required for online forex trading.
Trade by pairs and not currencies - Any aspect always has two sides. So it is necessary for forex traders to pay attention to both sides. Similarly, when it comes to online forex trading, one must take into consideration the relation between both currencies involved and how they can co-exist properly.
Extensive knowledge - When entering into the online forex trading industry, it is important to have prior knowledge about the online market before any investments are made. Pay attention to international news as well as events around the world. Forex trading is more about its unpredictability rather than its standard nature. That is the positive aspect.
Impractical trading - Novice traders always get into tight margin orders so as to receive small profit margins. But the negative side of this is, even though one may initially be successful in gaining profits early on, gradually the risks come in. This is only because recovery of the difference between the asking price and the bid prior to any profits that are being made. With small trades, the risk stands higher.
Defensive trading - A forex trader who gets into a tight stop-loss deal with a forex broker is bound to have his business shattered. This is only because your online forex trading business cannot flourish if you do not let its capability and potential to be demonstrated. This will only happen if you give your trading business a fair opportunity to prosper by placing practical stop losses. Only then can you narrow down the margin of high losses.
Independent - Usually novice traders turn to experienced forex brokers to help them in their trading accounts and online business ventures. But sometimes, due to an immature instinct, forex traders go against their forex broker's strategy and this takes a toll on their online trading business. In other cases, traders seek assistance from various different sources which in turn causes damage and huge losses to their forex trading business. If a trader learns to be independent and practical in decision making, whatever it may be, he will learn the facts of the forex industry and thus plan accordingly.
Forex trading can be successful if the approach is well strategized.
Active-Forex provides the best forex platforms for online forex broker. Active-Forex also provides forex demo account for practice.

Review On Forex Automoney

By Lisa Us Anderson
There are tons of folks who have curiosity about dealing of international foreign currency. It could be a smart way to earn quick money. You will notice numerous trading corporations growing. They are simply built to make much easier the method that will help you. Maintaining currency across the world is usually tough. There Forex Automoney reviews to take into consideration.
Guidelines for using Forex Automoney systems
Forex Automoney technique is viewed as Forex trading software which is seemed to conduct trading in Foreign exchange market. It can be deemed as the most effective Forex trading tactic providing you with alerts which can be necessary during day. Usually three signals are produced daily. All that you should perform is to login using your account so that you can get the signals. This will assist you to conduct your trading at perfect time. It is quite fast and simple method.
Automated Forex trading is becoming a popular approach to earn profits by dealing in Forex trading. Contributors make use of the foreign currency exchange in quite similar way they participate in the stock exchange. Those who are seriously interested in obtaining a huge value for your dollar by performing wiser, not tougher, have a look at this tested automated Forex trading system.
Forex Automoney takes advantage of a software package to calculate increases and declines in currency rates and earn profitable trading decisions. The program also makes the trades for you. With a Forex Automoney trading system, you simply start up the program and commence turning a profit with hardly any effort. Your auto Foreign exchange can carry on functioning around the clock so trades occur when news breaks rather than once the market opens.
You can allow this to software to get results for you and will calm down like FAP turbo. It can be vital that you should choose the Forex Automoney software which has been verified as well as have good track record over the years. If you would like receive the best and most efficient fap turbo robot systems then it will be important to create some small investments by means of Forex courses. They assist you to understand the trading techniques. These small investments are definitely going to offer you with long lasting benefits.
Fapturbo Forex Trading Package Specifications:
• Easy to download and install
• Proven to work better on live trading than on testing
• Exclusive VIP-only area within product website
• No need to leave computer on
• 5. 95.9% success rate
• Money back guarantee
Fap turbo robot will be the simply fully automated Forex Software That Increases Real Monetary Deposits In Less Than Thirty days, with no inhuman level of work it will take to continually keep track of and evaluate the device for developments, activities, etc. 24 hours a day, which can be, generally the easiest method to make the most benefit from this huge market. This technique completes everything so that you can simply have to work wise, not work tirelessly, for any very valuable knowledge about the Forex market.
Forex Auto money has verified that it can indeed give you a constantly increasing stream of profit. You do not require starting spending with huge amounts of money in order to generate profits.

Forex Brokers And Their Issues

By Ephraim Archibong
Before delving into the many issues of forex brokers today it would be best we define what a broker is before really jumping in. In simple terms a broker could be referred to as a go between, a middleman and or an agent. Now in the case of the forex market they are regarded as the agent responsible for linking the buyer and the seller to the market place. Since many big and successful forex brokers have big banks that provide them (the brokers) market prices, these market prices are transferred to traders as the bid/ask price.
To fully understand these brokers, one would really have to consider knowing the different types of brokers available. There are just four types of brokers but other school of thought may think differently. These are:
1) Market Makers/DD
2) NDD
3) STP
4) ECN
These are the four available types of brokers today (though I personally like to think there are just three).
1) Market Makers/DD: These brokers are to say the least not looking for your best interest as they have "dealing desks" (DD). Forex brokers that operate (route orders) through the Dealing Desk and quote fixed spreads. A dealing desk broker makes money via spreads and by trading against its clients. A Dealing Desk Forex broker is called a Market Maker - they literally "make the market" for traders: when traders want to sell, they buy from them, when traders want to buy, they sell to them, e.g. they will always take the opposite side of the trade and in this way "create the market". A trader doesn't see the real market quotes, which allows Dealing Desk brokers (Market Makers) manipulate with their quotes where they need to in order to fill the client. They make money from the bid/ask price which more often than not is manipulated. In my books this makes the market makers a "no no" for any trader who wants to succeed. Painfully most of your "micro accounts" are owned by these market makers. This is so because they may not have liquidity providers and since micro accounts do not require large sums of money they are willing to give traders a hard time. So if a trader must have a winning spree, such trader would want to avoid trading the news hours since the "market maker" brokers will be able to manipulate the prices as they so wish.
2) NDD: Meaning No Dealing Desk. These type Forex brokers provide access to the interbank market without passing orders trough the dealing desk. With true No Dealing Desk brokers there are no re-quotes on orders and no additional pausing during order confirmation. This, in particular, allows trading during news times with no restrictions on trading. An NDD broker can either charge commission for trading or choose to increase the spread and make Forex trading commission free. No Dealing Desk brokers are either STP or ECN+STP.
3) STP: Simply means, "Straight Through Processing". These types of forex brokers send orders directly from clients to the liquidity providers - banks, which trade on the Intebank. Sometimes STP brokers have just one liquidity provider, other times several of them. The fact remains that the more there are banks and liquidity in the system, the better the fills for the clients of such brokers. Since traders or clinets of such brokers have access to the true market and can execute trades immediately without dealer intervention, this makes brokers operating the STP platform very transparent in their dealings with clients and is perceived by traders to be honest to a large degree.
4) ECN: Meaning "Electronic Communications Network". They are the most transparent of all other types of brokers and so are usually regarded as the purest form of what a forex broker should be, because of their services and qualities. ECN Forex brokers additionally allow clients' orders to interact with other clients' orders. ECN Forex broker provides a marketplace where all its participants (banks, market makers and individual traders) trade against each other by sending competing bids and offers into the system. Participants interact inside the system and get the best offers for their trades available at that time. All trading orders are matched between counter parties in real time. A small trading fee - commission - is always applied. More often than not sometimes STP brokers are discussed as if they were ECN brokers. Well the truth is to be a true ECN, a broker must display the Depth of the Market (DOM) in a data window, let clients show their own order size in the system and allow other clients to hit those orders. With ECN broker traders can see where the liquidity is and execute trades. ECN Forex brokers always have variable spreads. Only ECN brokers charge commission for trading Forex. Commission is the only revenue/profit an ECN broker receives. ECN brokers are not making money on bid/ask as do the market makers.
For the sake of clarity we shall have a quick preview at all types of brokers earlier mentioned above to ascertain which should be best for doing business with. We have discussed the Market makers and see them as what many traders refer to today as "bucket shops" since they legally trade against their clients. They have a dealing desk which means all orders pass through that desk so they decide whether or not the price is good for you. In plain words they do not seek your success as they make money coming against your open positions in the opposite direction; so that when your trade goes bad they simply would have made money from your losses, as well as from the bid/ask price which they manipulate at will.
Then we moved on to the NDD brokers and referred to them as transparent. This is because they allow for instant execution of trades without re-quotes. They do not operate dealing desks and do not trade against clients. We also stated that they could come in STP or ECN+STP.
Getting warmer now we entered the terrain of the STP brokers.Praising them for not having a dealing desk and having liquidity providers (banks).We mentioned that the more availability of such providers and their liquidity (money), the better for their clients because they would get good fills on prices.
Finally the we plunged into the ECN brokers, calling them the purest form of what a forex broker should be. They do not trade against their clients but rather, they allow for a fair market situation thereby making money only from commissions and not from their clients open positions.
A good thinker would have concluded by now which type of broker would best suite thier portfolio. I believe the obvious choice would be within the ranges of the last three types of brokers, but preferably the last one, the ECN brokers. Having said that, it is not as easy as it may appear to be, due to the fact that most ECN,STP and NDD brokers require larger sums of money to run an account. In some cases, you would find brokers requiring up to ten thousand US dollars ($10,000) to open an ECN account. In less milder cases half of that amount is required, which is five thousand US dollars ($5,000). Better situations would require far less as low as two thousand to even one thousand US dollars ($2,000 - $1,000).
This situation, leaves the financially less privileged traders, at the mercy of the "bucket shops" or market makers, who off course require far lower than the above mentioned, from as low as fifty to three hundred US dollars ($50 - $300) to open and run an account. New traders fall into the trap of these market makers, since they perceive them as lenient to their status. Traders would only begin to find out their brokers' lapses only after a few days or weeks, which may be too late by then, as they would have lost a great part of their capital or the entire amount.
Before depositing your hard-earned money to any broker, one would do well to do proper searches on search engines, to enquire about such brokers. Reading forex brokers' reviews would be eye opening for any newbie. There are a number of accredited brokers out there, as well as dirty ones, that are even unregulated. You would need to do your searches to sieve out the good from the bad ones. If you still have issues with making sound decisions with which broker to go with, you could jolly well reach us on our blog @ where you could throw in your comments and questions, even after the posting period of this thesis has expired and we would be glad to give a helping hand. Be sure to leave your e-mail address so we can send you the information you need.
Visit: for more incisive experience with what you need to know.
Ephraim Archibong is a trader of over four years and counting and is willing to share his knowledge and experience with everyone who is willing to learn.

Some Secrets of Forex Trading

By Mary Thomson
Though there are no real secrets for Forex, some truths go unobserved by people. Persons who have a keen observation can employ strategies that are sound and also include strategies that exist already, in Forex trade. Traders can also employ straight forward economic theories and confirmed theories to deal currencies.
Forex is a global currency market run by a wide network which consists of brokers, sub brokers etc. They function six days per week. A Forex market is different from stock exchange. Varied currencies along with the rates of exchange are dealt with in Forex trade. Facilitating trade globally was the intention of Forex trade.
Today most of the Forex trade is done via internet. The investors, sub brokers and brokers trade Forex on net through their net accounts. A US based investor who has USD can invest a sum in Euro. For example, if he invests $10, it will raise to $12 or $13 if the economy performs well. At that time the investor can again convert the Euro in to USD once again. Like this a prudent investor can make profits trading Forex.
Other Forex secrets are explained below:
Forex has nothing to do with luck! One should learn to invest in currencies that are on rise. You should buy the currency just when the cost is about to rise and should sell it when the cost is about to fall. Thus you will be guaranteed a decent margin on profits.
The second way is to go for arbitrage trading. This way you can buy the currency when the cost is very low and sell it when the price is high. This will give you the maximum profits.
It is vital to sell the currency when the cost is about to fall. This way you can make a good return. To be familiar with the rise and fall of costs it is essential for you to involve in and investigate about the economics you deal with. Every day proceedings greatly affect the values to waver.
Some investors of Forex trade with certain currencies alone. This is good when you are a beginner in the trade. This method is distinguished as the best way for inexperienced beginners of Forex trade.
There are cases where investors trade with set currency. They trade the currencies when the currencies show some inclination to break a barrier they have pre set. This is considered the best way for day trading and it guarantees a small profit. They are also known as forex scalping strategy.
Some people make a living by trading Forex. Discussing with them will give you new insights to the ways of trade. In short, trading forex is familiarizing with the economics and trading the apt currency at the apt time.
You should always choose a good forex account for your trading. Click here to know more about forex broker comparison

The Best Forex Robot Review

By Max Branner
There are a number of forex robots on the market today each claiming to make you a great deal of money in the forex market completely on autopilot. I've tested a number of the more notable systems on the market and can vouch for a few of them, but in my experience the few that have made me money all require you to look over their shoulders and check in on them as they trade too aggressively on their own which makes them far from capable of running independently of you and on autopilot.
That's been a major part of my review process, which is why when I tested this latest system that I believe I'm convinced that I've found the current best bot. Read along for the possible best forex robot review.
FAP Turbo is one of the latest automated forex trading bots. I'll start this forex robot review by giving a little background on what this system is and how it works. FAP Turbo is the next in line from the makers of Forex Autopilot, arguably the most famous and popular mainstream automated trading program in the forex market in the past. FAP Turbo has a number of improvements over Autopilot, but more on that later. Let's get on with this forex robot review by covering how FAP Turbo works to trade automatically without your input or time required to make you money.
First, FAP Turbo watches and analyzes the market for the makings of profitable and reliable trading ops. Once it's found something, it invests accordingly, then follows that investment in relation to the market to ensure that you're constantly on the money earning side. Once the trend reverses the program steps in and trades away the now bad investment. It is able to do this again because it keeps a vigilant watch over real time market data 24 hours a day so that it can react to changes before anything or anyone else can.
I hinted at this earlier in this forex robot review, but the major difference which anyone should take away about FAP Turbo is in how it trades. This is a much more sophisticated and conservative trading robot compared to any other which I've tested. The outcome that I've experienced is easily the greatest automated near perfect winning rate from any program I've used myself. It only enacts a trade when it is absolutely sure that it will make money from it and it runs much stricter requirements which a trend must meet before it decides that is a sound trading opp.
This is the first robot which I would recommend to anyone, complete rookies as well as busier traders without the time to devote to trading, looking to make some extra reliable money from the foreign exchange. I've put together a more elaborate comparison forex robot review of FAP Turbo in stacking it up against other leading programs at
Try this program for yourself and begin realizing your financial independence today once and for all.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Forex Autopilot Scam Review

By David Morris
Forex Autopilot is the most prominent and well-known automated trading platform available online today and was actually the original forex trading robot to be released to the general public. However in saying this, is the program any good and can you expect to make any money with it? Forex Autopilot scam? You'll know once you read this!
Forex Autopilot was basically designed for someone who has absolutely no experience in making an income online to be able to break into the fantastic and lucrative world of international currency trading. In the past you would have required to spend a lot of your own time, money and effort in learning how the forex world works, or hire an experienced trader to do the work for you, now you can enter this world without any prior experience and with an investment of as little as $50 to begin trading.
How it works is that Forex Autopilot is programmed to detect and seek out extremely low-or-no risk trades which are not extremely lucrative, however the fact that this computer program does not have to sleep and can continue to trade for six days a week, you'll most likely make a whole lot more money in the long run than if you were sitting at the computer waiting for the right opportunity to come up so that you can make an extremely lucrative trade.
You're not required to have any experience in currency trading whatsoever to begin trading in the forex market with Forex Autopilot. As long as you have the motivation and skill to spend half an hour reading the instructions and then ten minutes setting the program up, you can begin trading and making cash.
As far as how much you can make with it, it depends totally on the market at the time, however I'll give you my experience with the program when I started using it.
I initially invested $100 and set the program to work. By the end of the first week only - 6 days of trading -- that amount of money had been turned into $250. Two months later, I had made a total profit of $1150, leaving me with $1250 from a start of $100.
Now while earning $1150 in two months may not sound like a whole lot of money, when you consider the amount I began with you should be able to see how lucrative this program can be. That and the fact that I did no work at all to make that money, will make this an extremely viable investment for anyone looking to break into the forex market.
Do whatever feels right for you, though I hope my Forex Autopilot review has helped you to make a more informed decision about this product.
For more FOREX AUTOPILOT [] info, simply CLICK HERE David Morris is an extremely successful online businessman who has made an income doing everything from currency trading to online marketing.

Forex Options Market Overview

By John Nobile
The forex options market started as an over-the-counter (OTC) financial vehicle for large banks, financial institutions and large international corporations to hedge against foreign currency exposure. Like the forex spot market, the forex options market is considered an "interbank" market. However, with the plethora of real-time financial data and forex option trading software available to most investors through the internet, today's forex option market now includes an increasingly large number of individuals and corporations who are speculating and/or hedging foreign currency exposure via telephone or online forex trading platforms.
Forex option trading has emerged as an alternative investment vehicle for many traders and investors. As an investment tool, forex option trading provides both large and small investors with greater flexibility when determining the appropriate forex trading and hedging strategies to implement.
Most forex options trading is conducted via telephone as there are only a few forex brokers offering online forex option trading platforms.
Forex Option Defined - A forex option is a financial currency contract giving the forex option buyer the right, but not the obligation, to purchase or sell a specific forex spot contract (the underlying) at a specific price (the strike price) on or before a specific date (the expiration date). The amount the forex option buyer pays to the forex option seller for the forex option contract rights is called the forex option "premium."
The Forex Option Buyer - The buyer, or holder, of a foreign currency option has the choice to either sell the foreign currency option contract prior to expiration, or he or she can choose to hold the foreign currency options contract until expiration and exercise his or her right to take a position in the underlying spot foreign currency. The act of exercising the foreign currency option and taking the subsequent underlying position in the foreign currency spot market is known as "assignment" or being "assigned" a spot position.
The only initial financial obligation of the foreign currency option buyer is to pay the premium to the seller up front when the foreign currency option is initially purchased. Once the premium is paid, the foreign currency option holder has no other financial obligation (no margin is required) until the foreign currency option is either offset or expires.
On the expiration date, the call buyer can exercise his or her right to buy the underlying foreign currency spot position at the foreign currency option's strike price, and a put holder can exercise his or her right to sell the underlying foreign currency spot position at the foreign currency option's strike price. Most foreign currency options are not exercised by the buyer, but instead are offset in the market before expiration.
Foreign currency options expires worthless if, at the time the foreign currency option expires, the strike price is "out-of-the-money." In simplest terms, a foreign currency option is "out-of-the-money" if the underlying foreign currency spot price is lower than a foreign currency call option's strike price, or the underlying foreign currency spot price is higher than a put option's strike price. Once a foreign currency option has expired worthless, the foreign currency option contract itself expires and neither the buyer nor the seller have any further obligation to the other party.
The Forex Option Seller - The foreign currency option seller may also be called the "writer" or "grantor" of a foreign currency option contract. The seller of a foreign currency option is contractually obligated to take the opposite underlying foreign currency spot position if the buyer exercises his right. In return for the premium paid by the buyer, the seller assumes the risk of taking a possible adverse position at a later point in time in the foreign currency spot market.
Initially, the foreign currency option seller collects the premium paid by the foreign currency option buyer (the buyer's funds will immediately be transferred into the seller's foreign currency trading account). The foreign currency option seller must have the funds in his or her account to cover the initial margin requirement. If the markets move in a favorable direction for the seller, the seller will not have to post any more funds for his foreign currency options other than the initial margin requirement. However, if the markets move in an unfavorable direction for the foreign currency options seller, the seller may have to post additional funds to his or her foreign currency trading account to keep the balance in the foreign currency trading account above the maintenance margin requirement.
Just like the buyer, the foreign currency option seller has the choice to either offset (buy back) the foreign currency option contract in the options market prior to expiration, or the seller can choose to hold the foreign currency option contract until expiration. If the foreign currency options seller holds the contract until expiration, one of two scenarios will occur: (1) the seller will take the opposite underlying foreign currency spot position if the buyer exercises the option or (2) the seller will simply let the foreign currency option expire worthless (keeping the entire premium) if the strike price is out-of-the-money.
Please note that "puts" and "calls" are separate foreign currency options contracts and are NOT the opposite side of the same transaction. For every put buyer there is a put seller, and for every call buyer there is a call seller. The foreign currency options buyer pays a premium to the foreign currency options seller in every option transaction.
Forex Call Option - A foreign exchange call option gives the foreign exchange options buyer the right, but not the obligation, to purchase a specific foreign exchange spot contract (the underlying) at a specific price (the strike price) on or before a specific date (the expiration date). The amount the foreign exchange option buyer pays to the foreign exchange option seller for the foreign exchange option contract rights is called the option "premium."
Please note that "puts" and "calls" are separate foreign exchange options contracts and are NOT the opposite side of the same transaction. For every foreign exchange put buyer there is a foreign exchange put seller, and for every foreign exchange call buyer there is a foreign exchange call seller. The foreign exchange options buyer pays a premium to the foreign exchange options seller in every option transaction.
The Forex Put Option - A foreign exchange put option gives the foreign exchange options buyer the right, but not the obligation, to sell a specific foreign exchange spot contract (the underlying) at a specific price (the strike price) on or before a specific date (the expiration date). The amount the foreign exchange option buyer pays to the foreign exchange option seller for the foreign exchange option contract rights is called the option "premium."
Please note that "puts" and "calls" are separate foreign exchange options contracts and are NOT the opposite side of the same transaction. For every foreign exchange put buyer there is a foreign exchange put seller, and for every foreign exchange call buyer there is a foreign exchange call seller. The foreign exchange options buyer pays a premium to the foreign exchange options seller in every option transaction.
Plain Vanilla Forex Options - Plain vanilla options generally refer to standard put and call option contracts traded through an exchange (however, in the case of forex option trading, plain vanilla options would refer to the standard, generic forex option contracts that are traded through an over-the-counter (OTC) forex options dealer or clearinghouse). In simplest terms, vanilla forex options would be defined as the buying or selling of a standard forex call option contract or a forex put option contract.
Exotic Forex Options - To understand what makes an exotic forex option "exotic," you must first understand what makes a forex option "non-vanilla." Plain vanilla forex options have a definitive expiration structure, payout structure and payout amount. Exotic forex option contracts may have a change in one or all of the above features of a vanilla forex option. It is important to note that exotic options, since they are often tailored to a specific's investor's needs by an exotic forex options broker, are generally not very liquid, if at all.
Intrinsic & Extrinsic Value - The price of an FX option is calculated into two separate parts, the intrinsic value and the extrinsic (time) value.
The intrinsic value of an FX option is defined as the difference between the strike price and the underlying FX spot contract rate (American Style Options) or the FX forward rate (European Style Options). The intrinsic value represents the actual value of the FX option if exercised. Please note that the intrinsic value must be zero (0) or above - if an FX option has no intrinsic value, then the FX option is simply referred to as having no (or zero) intrinsic value (the intrinsic value is never represented as a negative number). An FX option with no intrinsic value is considered "out-of-the-money," an FX option having intrinsic value is considered "in-the-money," and an FX option with a strike price at, or very close to, the underlying FX spot rate is considered "at-the-money."
The extrinsic value of an FX option is commonly referred to as the "time" value and is defined as the value of an FX option beyond the intrinsic value. A number of factors contribute to the calculation of the extrinsic value including, but not limited to, the volatility of the two spot currencies involved, the time left until expiration, the riskless interest rate of both currencies, the spot price of both currencies and the strike price of the FX option. It is important to note that the extrinsic value of FX options erodes as its expiration nears. An FX option with 60 days left to expiration will be worth more than the same FX option that has only 30 days left to expiration. Because there is more time for the underlying FX spot price to possibly move in a favorable direction, FX options sellers demand (and FX options buyers are willing to pay) a larger premium for the extra amount of time.
Volatility - Volatility is considered the most important factor when pricing forex options and it measures movements in the price of the underlying. High volatility increases the probability that the forex option could expire in-the-money and increases the risk to the forex option seller who, in turn, can demand a larger premium. An increase in volatility causes an increase in the price of both call and put options.
Delta - The delta of a forex option is defined as the change in price of a forex option relative to a change in the underlying forex spot rate. A change in a forex option's delta can be influenced by a change in the underlying forex spot rate, a change in volatility, a change in the riskless interest rate of the underlying spot currencies or simply by the passage of time (nearing of the expiration date).
The delta must always be calculated in a range of zero to one (0-1.0). Generally, the delta of a deep out-of-the-money forex option will be closer to zero, the delta of an at-the-money forex option will be near .5 (the probability of exercise is near 50%) and the delta of deep in-the-money forex options will be closer to 1.0. In simplest terms, the closer a forex option's strike price is relative to the underlying spot forex rate, the higher the delta because it is more sensitive to a change in the underlying rate.
John Nobile - Senior Account Executive
CFOS/FX - Online Forex Spot and Options Brokerage

Forex Day Trading Tips

By Jackson Golde
Forex trading can be defined as trading done on currencies of different countries. It is the largest financial market making over 3 billion dollars worth of transactions across the world. There are different types of trading done in Forex market. Forex day trading is becoming very popular in recent times. More and more people are interested to do currency trading because they want to earn quick money. And with the advancements of technology and the internet, what used to be limited to just banks and larger corporations is now available to everyday individuals just like you.
Forex day trading refers to buying and selling of foreign currencies within a very short period of time (usually a few days, but it can be as little as a few minutes). Day traders take the advantage of small movements in the prices of currencies. However, it is very important to learn how to do trading in forex markets effectively. Otherwise you might end up losing all of your trading funds.
There are many important factors to be considered when doing forex day trading. Traders, especially those that are relatively new to currency trading, should really put in the time and effort to learn as many forex day trading tips as they can. The more you know, the greater the chances that you will have profitable trades.
Firstly, you need to set stop losses with your transaction in order to minimize your risk. Liquidity and volatility are two very important aspects to be noted with currency trading, and if you are not paying attention, currency prices can change so fast that you wouldn't be able to react in time to reduce your losses.
Liquidity involves entering and exiting a stock at a good price and volatility is an expectation of price range of a currency. Once you understand these two aspects, you can determine the price range and set a stop loss. Using the right forex trading software to do this work will be an ideal option. This will save you lot of time and help ensure that your losses are small and manageable.
Secondly, it is important to trade with currency pairs you know well. You will find hundreds of currencies to trade but you should be very familiar with the currencies and countries you choose to trade. There is no place for emotions in forex day trading. You need to think with your mind and not with your heart. An emotional decision can result in a costly loss. This is the main reason that many successful forex traders use software to help choose their trades.
Thirdly, if you are doing forex day trading, it is very important to not risk too large a percentage of your total trading funds. Risking no more than 2-5% of your total will be wise. You will stay on the game longer my minimizing your risk, especially in the beginning of your forex experience.
On the whole, you should only invest the amount of money you can afford to lose in trading because successful forex trading can take some time to master. By starting out with smaller trades, you will be able to limit your losses as you gain experience.
The possibility of fast profits makes forex day trading very appealing to many investors. If you are new to the game, do yourself a favor and spend time learning about ins and outs of currency trading before you start risking your money.
Want to learn more about the best Forex trading system for beginners?
Click Here to visit my Forex Trading Systems For Beginners blog to get more info on the importance of using Forex tools in order to SKYROCKET your chances of making money with currency trading. You can also read my "No-Holds Barred" review of three of the best Forex products that help traders make money with Forex.

Forex Trade Software

By William Barnes
The function of forex trade software is to give the user the best advice and suggestions when trading on the market. Users have reported to suffer fewer losses when using these applications. Losses are suffered by users who do not use advisor applications as the result of severe fluctuations on the market. When advisors are guided with superior computer programs, clients can rest assured that their investments are in good hands.
A proper knowledge of the foreign exchange market is crucial to a person's success in this venture. With a superior application, one is able to gain all that essential knowledge. At the same time, the program is able to study market trends in order to protect the trader from bad results. It is a good idea to look for a program that has a metatrader system too.
Good advisor programs offer a variety of strategies and plans, although the basic strategies that are offered are based on the short and the long term. Trading can be done with long term and short term goals in mind. The key is to know when long or short-term strategies should be applied.
Users that are looking to work on one trend in particular will need to follow long run strategies. Short run strategies are suitable for those traders who wish to do more than a single trade. For those traders who wish not to face long-term losses, it is important not to follow a single strategy.
The best types of software allow for both short and long term strategies. Another important feature to look for in an expert advisory program is that it deals with all the different world currencies. The program has to be flexible in any market situation.
There are scams in the online foreign exchange trading world. It is important to look for a forex trade software system that is available from reputable companies. The longer a system has been in the market, the more reliable it usually is. A good way to find a good system is to look for reviews from other users. I personally made more than 8 times on my money using a Forex automated trading robot.
Are you looking to download Forex Trade Software? William Barnes is a successfully Forex trader who has discovered a powerful automated trading tool! You can see the Top 5 Forex Trading Systems at his website!

What Are Forex Currency Prices?

By James C. Feldon
Every country in the world has a currency of some sort, whether it is the almighty United States Dollar or the humble Cambodian Riel. These different world currencies have to have a value, in the past all currencies where valued by comparison to the international market price of gold or what was known as the gold standard and countries would hold their reserve currency in gold. In more recent times as world economies have grown and become more complicated, this no longer necessary and most countries hold their reserve currency in US Dollars although since the introduction of a single European currency (the Euro), some countries (not only the European ones) are using this as their reserve currency, or often a combination of the two. Get free daily Forex trading videos.
Foreign currencies and foreign currency prices are often referred to as Forex or FX for short. Because currencies are priced by comparison to another currency they are always shown as currency pairs, so there the major currency pairs such as US Dollar against the Japanese Yen (USD/JPY) and the Great British Pound (Sterling) against the Euro (GBP/EUR) for example. The large economic zones currencies are the most traded by international banks and are known as the major pairs, they include other currencies such as the Swiss Franc, the Australian Dollar, and Canadian Dollar.
These major pairs are not only exchanged internationally for reasons of trade and commerce but are actively traded for profit by bank and hedge funds. Other currencies are traded too, but not nearly as commonly. These are known as the minor pairs and included such currency pairs as the Polish Zloty against the Euro or the Thai Baht against the Japanese Yen. The rest of the world's currencies are rarely traded for profit and are simply moved around according to import and export based businesses and tourism. These pairs are known as the exotics and include such pairs as the Egyptian Pound against the Indian Rupee and countless other examples. These exotics often do no have a direct exchange that is easy to find, some bank will not even facilitate the exchange and in is normal to have to exchange from one currency into a major currency like the US Dollar and then from the dollar into the other currency. Which ever pair you are looking for, you should be able to find most forex currency prices at the bank or online.
Now that you have all that information you will want to get the best and most up to date information on Forex Currency Forex Currency. That is how you stay ahead of everyone else and learn what the new opportunities are and will soon be. Find the best resources you can and go back to them over and over again to use to your advantage. There is inherent risk in trading Forex and you will want to do your best to reduce these risks and maximize your success rate.

Forex Trading Autopilot!

By Sola Shogunwa

Using the Autopilot with the The Forex Trading. Our Automated Software Will Do Everything For You. Our specially designed, user-friendly process will take you only 10 minutes to install and setup the system...
The benefits of using Forex Pitcher system are:
* Flexible amount. You can invest as any amount as you like.
* Flexible schedule. You can do it either part-time or full-time; you can keep it working for you anytime, even when you are on vacation, sleeping, or watching sports, as long as your computer is on and internet access is available!
* Flexible location. You can trade at any part of the world.
* Selected Hours. Forex market is open 24 hours a day, Sunday to Friday. Our system will only trade several certain hours a day. It's totally hands-free and you only need your computer connecting to the internet.
Can you believe it? If you deposit $3,000 five years ago and using Forex Pitcher Money Management with a pretty conservative 5% risk factor, you could turn that $3,000 into almost $3,000,000! That's a 100000% increase in only five years!
What's more attractive? We will be improving the Forex Pitcher on a daily basis using the state-of-art technologies from extensive disciplines, and, we will upgrade the Forex Pitcher for you free of charge! In addition, we provide 60 days money back guarantee if you are not satisfied - you have nothing to worry about! Sign now!
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The Trading Autopilot software makes trading forex easy to trade and profits to make!

What is Automated Forex Trading?

By Jim Johannasen
Automated Forex training revolves around having computer systems interface with your trading platform so that individual Forex trades can be executed without having to do anything. As you can imagine, automated systems such as these have become very popular in recent years. The dilemma that this poses for many traders is the fact that it is very easy for an automated system to literally run itself out of control based on conflicting variables being fed to it by the marketplace.
Any automated system relies on some degree of artificial intelligence through which it makes its decisions. Some of the very best automated Forex trading systems rely to a certain extent on the input provided by the trader who will be using the system. This makes sense because everybody has slightly different risk tolerances. While it might be perfectly okay for one person to risk significant amounts of capital in any one given trait, you might, on the other hand, want to preserve your capital and limit the amount of money that is at risk in any one particular trade.
Having an automated currency trading platform can actually be one of the best decisions you will ever make. Where most people get hung up is that they never bother to help fine-tune your artificial intelligence that is built-in to the automated system. You absolutely need to give it information they can use to better tailor its trading decisions to your own financial situation. The last thing you or anybody else would ever want is to have an automated system literally lose all of your money simply because you did not take the time to properly train it regarding the rules you wanted it to follow.
Here's the bottom line: you can make significant sums of money on autopilot when you have the right automated Forex system working for you night and day.
Want to learn more about Forex Training, Forex Signals, and Automated Forex Trading Systems? Visit our website below for tips, tricks, and reviews on Currency Trading.
Forex Signals

Expert Advisor Forex Systems

By Gary Watkinson
If you have ever tried any forex trading software or Expert Advisor (EA) systems, then you could have mixed feelings or misgivings about anyone recommending another such package. But before you dismiss this article out of hand, wait until you have read the compelling reasons that make FAPTurbo the must have Expert Advisor Forex System for all of your Forex trades from now on!
An EA needs to have a high trading frequency through scalping for quick pips whenever it can. The advantage this gives you, combined with a tight stop loss, is your account can be multiplied faster over time. The main reason for using Fap Turbo as your Expert Advisor Forex System is just as stated - it does scalping and multiplying small accounts during favourable trends. Note that I say small accounts and not your main trading capital. This allows for the differing levels of risk aversion when it comes to individual traders. So if you risk more and add in the effects of compounding on those gains, you could really rake up some decent returns in a very short time. However, in all likelihood, you will want to be in this for the long run so the timescales to get those big gains are going to be longer and the risks taken to get there smaller.
An essential feature for all EAs is the Operation of a good stop loss policy - this is not only common sense but a definite must in this game. This feature is very important and what makes FAPTurbo work for the long term. If we are honest with ourselves, no software can cope with all kinds of market conditions; therefore it must take losses whenever it is wrong. That strategy helps to preserve our earlier profits. Sounds odd I know saying losses preserve our earlier profits but using the EA Safe Filters to restrict big losses means that FAPTurbo has a built in feature (safe-filters) to take small fixed losses compared to most systems that use huge stop losses. This is one of the most important parameters any Expert Advisor Forex System must have. This is one area that Fap turbo's predecessor, Forex Autopilot failed to follow.
It probably stands to reason that this Expert Advisor Forex Systems is not exactly new, in fact it has been around in one guise or another for around 9 years. That in itself is a good thing because it means there has been a lot of real live market action for it to work on which provides the programmers with the data they need to refine the EA System. For me this should be something that re-assures you as it means the software is continually being improved to automatically beat the market. OK so this is not megabucks software to buy but you know you are getting good value for money with all that time and effort being invested on your behalf.
Something that most part-time Forex traders will suspect but is very difficult to prove is that some of the major players or brokers in this market will hunt out the stop losses on accounts to take out the minor players. So there is every chance that they will sabotage your trading results with stoploss hunting and even ban your account. What also should not surprise you is that they use - yes you guessed - Expert Advisor Forex Systems to do this. So the last thing you want is a piece of software that flags to the brokers that you are using an Expert Advisor Forex System. That's why FAPTurbo again comes up trumps, it employs a stealth mode operation to escape detection by most brokers, by hiding the profit and stoploss values.
So compiled here is quick Summary of the Benefits of this Expert Advisor Forex System (some I have not mentioned above for brevity)
1. You can setup a demo account to learn how to trade safely before going live!
2. Quick setup means you can be trading once the software has installed
3. You can multiply your account faster with short term scalping
4. You can trade 5 currencies at the same time EURCHF, GBPCHF, EURGBP, USDCAD and EURUSD.
5. Your trading capital is always protected with small fixed stop losses.
6. You get a trading strategy that has worked for over 9 years - and is continually being refined.
7. Your account is less likely to be flagged by brokers
8. More successful than its predecessor - Forex Autopilot
9. Compatible with MetaTrader 4 trading platform used by most brokers
What more could you want?
Well I suppose if there was a wish list and I was asked by the programmers "what enhancements would you recommend?" then my answer would be more currency pairs to scalp please! This Expert Advisor Forex System does not yet support cable, that is GBPUSD, and there is no JPY pair action. I am sure that FAPTurbo could turn good profits on some of these alternative pairings.
Gary Watkinson is an Internet Marketer with a passion for making tax free money. He runs an informational website on different ways to make money online from forex trading, stocks and shares, paid online surveys and property investment.
The information contained on the website is provided with links to selected products like the Expert Advisor Forex System, to allow you to quickly make money online. Take advantage of the products and information available, visit Gary's website at