Friday, February 18, 2011

How You Can Identify Trends in Forex Trading

By Timothy Stevens
Forex trading requires you to have an ability to analyze price charts. You should also choose the places to trade depending on how the exchange rates are expected to move. In order to succeed in this trade, you require identifying trends that have got high chances of lasting for a longer period. One thing that you require is forex charting software. When you have acquired forex charting software, what you need to do is to create a price chart. The price chart should be of the currencies that you wish to trade with. You should have currency pairs in your charts that show the exchange rate between the two.
Another important thing that you should do in forex trading is to identify the valleys and peaks on your price charts. These are important points as they show where the exchange rate took a reverse direction. For example, if you find that the prices were moving high then suddenly start to decline, the peak that is left behind is referred to as 'high'. If the prices were falling then suddenly they start moving high this is referred to as 'low'. You should observe the recent change in your chart. After undertaking that step, you should locate the most recent high that has occurred. You should also identify the high that had occurred just before the recent high. You should also find the two recent lows in your chart. If your chart shows a clear pattern of both the high and lows, then you can identify this as a solid trend.
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