Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Various Listings For the Monthly Forex Contest

By Brad Grayso
Investors who hold mini accounts, may win one of several monetary prizes through a forex contest. Each month, five prize amounts are given out. First prize is twenty five hundred dollars, second prize is one thousand dollars, third is five hundred, fourth is two hundred fifty, and fifth is one hundred dollars. These will vary with each type of contest.
One of the most attractive aspects of the monthly forex contest is that all prizes are cash. The contest begins on the first of each month and ends on the last. Open to new and established investors, the only qualifications for entry is to deposit one thousand dollars into the mini account called FXTSP.The minimum of the one thousand must be maintained in order to be eligible.
Once the highest percentage profit is calculated, the winners will be chosen. Before entering an actual live contest such as this one, it is advised for new investors to open a virtual demo account to test the waters by learning hands on what trading through an FXTSP account is. Another is the Micro forex contest, where a deposit of five hundred dollars is required to enter the contest. In this contest, there are three winners with first place receiving twenty five thousand dollars, second place will receive ten thousand dollars and third place will win five thousand dollars. Again, once the highest profit or gain is calculated the winners will be chosen.
Some of the firms which provide a currency mini forex contest are the Akmos, the Forex capital markets, the Alpari, and the PEG forex. There is also a Refco FX five thousand dollar contest, and one for ten thousand dollars as well. The Refco FX ten thousand dollar contest includes real investing, where the Refco five thousand dollar contest, uses virtual investing and deposits. Lastly is the MG Forex monthly contest, a virtual or demo trading contest where investors will be trading with fifty thousand virtual dollars. These investors who trade with virtual money are automatically entered into the contest. There is a small monthly fee to join the virtual demo trading. Initial deposits in each monthly contest vary from five hundred to one thousand dollars. It is a fun and exciting event for all to enjoy.
Also pay close attention below...
Starting off with FOREX trading can be a hassle. However, if you are looking for quick profits there are a couple of software programs that trade on autopilot for you and all you have to do is press one button and see the profits rolling in.
If you are ready to make money, watch Forex Megadroid in action. Click here to start trading and watch the forex commissions rolling in day after day.
Warning! You can't make money if you stay on the fence and never take action.

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