Saturday, February 19, 2011

Forex Robots Comparison

By Scott B Price
The following is a forex robots comparison, where we list the best forex auto trading programs on the market from best to worst. A forex robot is a software program that automatically enters and exits trades with the intention of turning a profit. These programs are great for traders that are just entering the market that want to profit from forex but aren't sure where to begin.
The IvyBot
In this forex robots comparison, we have chosen the IvyBot as our number one pick. Anyone who has used this software program before will know exactly why we have chosen it for spot number one. When you buy something you expect it to work properly as it states it would, that's exactly what the IvyBot does. Instead of paying for just one software program, you are actually get four for the price of one. This means that you can diversify your forex portfolio and trade four different currencies knowing that you're not using a scam "one-size-fits-all" type robot.
FAP Turbo
We give our second place pick to the FAP Turbo because it really is a legend in the forex robot world. Before the innovative and ground-breaking features of the IvyBot, the FAP Turbo was the king of them all. Anybody who was making money in the forex market from a forex robot was most likely using the FAP Turbo, and the internet was scattered with positive reviews all across forex websites and forums alike. The biggest problem with this robot was that it did not receive regular updates like the IvyBot does.
You can find out truly which forex robot is the best by checking out a more detailed forex robots comparison at a forex robot reviews page []. These pages give unbiased reviews on the best forex robots currently on the market. One of the best sites known for doing this is [].
You can always be sure that they will keep up to date on the best forex robots.

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